Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My First week off Chemo

The first week Off Chemo it took a few days to start feeling well enough to do things. I had my last day of Chemo on Friday March 23rd and was still pretty sick and low energy for about 2-3 days but each day I felt better and had more energy.

While Recouping I enjoyed a Lord of the Rings Marathon which was just perfect although I was a little sad when I finished.

The First fun outing I ended up having was also completely spontaneous which made it even more enjoyable I thought! I was finally starting to get hungry again and was craving Teriyaki Chicken and Rice my husband told me he know a really yummy place by his work and would love to go get me some. Even though I was still feeling kinda dizzy an nauseous I wanted to go along for the ride and was so glad I did! He took me to this cute little place next to leather bees in Taylorsville. After getting our food we sat out on there patio and just enjoyed the nice night and ate.

After that we were both kind of in the mood for ice cream after smelling leather bees, however with how busy that place was we decided to go someplace a little less crazy and also WAY tastier so we headed over to Sub Zero. Sub Zero is so cool because they make all sorts of ice cream and as I am lactose I can get mine made with soy! They let you build your own or they have creations as well and then they freeze it right in front of you with nitrous, REALLY COOL! 

Again we were able to sit out on the patio and just enjoy our ice cream! It was a really fun spontaneous date!

Monday March 26th I went in for what is called a Nader Check and booster shot. At this appointment they draw some of my blood to see what my count is, and I also get a shot that helps boost your white blood count. When on Chemo- how it was described to me, is that Chemo tells your body to stop making white blood cells so with this happening they have to go in with this shot that tells your body to make white blood cells. They said its like having one foot on the break and one on the gas and this is why they monitor it so closely to try and get it balanced out. 
The injection is called Neulasta : Pegfilgrastim is used to reduce the chance of infection in people who have certain types of cancer and are receiving chemotherapy medications that may decrease the number of neutrophils (a type of blood cell needed to fight infection). Pegfilgrastim is in a class of medications called colony stimulating factors. It works by helping the body make more neutrophils. 

After this they were able to de-access my Port and I was free of IV fluids and yucky Saline rinses for two weeks SO nice!!!! 

Monday after getting my shot and port de-accessed me and Mike went on a double date with my Mom and Dad to one of our favorite places La Luna's.

 My appetite still hadn't completely returned but it was delicious, and not having a huge appetite just meant plenty of yummy left overs for the next day! I know I have already posted this photo for you all but I have to post it again because this was taken at La Luna's this night because my dad was amazed at how fast my hair was growing compared to his! He always has a way of making me smile! :) 

As I started to feel better and better each day I was able to do little things that were so nice like going out with my sister Christy to get our nails done. I got my first Shellac and it has been so nice! It will last several weeks which is perfect for me wanting to have nice nails but not having the energy to paint them a few times a week. I went with a gold-ish sparkle color for easter just something subtle and its been so nice I Love them!!!!! 

I was also able to go to a few Family parties and it was nice to see everyone and just enjoy not sleeping all the time! My little niece had a Harry Potter theme Birthday party and it was so cute to see them all dressed up in there Wizard costumes! There was cake and since I am on Steroids and not on the Chemo I am hungry all the time so the Strawberry cake and Ice cream really hit the spot!!!! 

Saturday was a really fun day because I got to go do something that I had not done in WAY too long I took my dogs Bailey and Bella to the park by my parents house. It was a nice day just windy but it was really fun to see them just running around playing with the ball and having a good time! One on my favorite things has always been taking my dogs to the park there it makes me happy to see how excited they get and I really enjoyed it! 

Later Saturday me and Mike went to see Hunger Games and it was really good! We both had not been to a movie in a really long time so it was so fun!!! We both loved the Movie and are excited to see the next one! 

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